Hamlet (1996 Film)
By Kenneth Branagh
Review of movie : 'Hamlet'
Hamlet movie by Kenneth Branagh
Respected Sir
First of all I want to
thank you about this movie screening of ‘Hamlet’ Movie that these movie or
audio visual things affect more than any work of text. First of all I want to
say that personally I don’t like movies or any TV Shows or serials because I
prefers any book or written text more than any movie works but my aspect of
this thing is totally changed after this movie screening and I realise one
thing that movie or any audio visual thing also can effect same as textual work
but only thing is that how this movie is related with real text or how movie is
as powerful as real text or how much this movie is authentic to this text.
But I want to say that this
movie version of ‘Hamlet’
by Kenneth Branagh is very
authentic to real text and after watching this movie I want to say one thing
“ Text gives us
freedom to imagine whatever we want to imagine, but movie or audio visual thing
bound our imagination into box only because of this thing that they gives
related picture to situation.”
one more thing is there that our pictures or imagination gets pure outcome or
perfection in movie or audio visual thing and our idea or situation is more
understandable or more clear than
earlier they are. And after this experience I want to experience this thing
again that’s why I read real text of Frankenstein and then I
watched movie based on Frankenstein that is Mary Shelley's Frankenste in 1994 and
after that I realise or experience one thing that when I read word ‘Monster’
that time I imagine so many faces of monsters and when I watched movie that
time I realise that here in this movie monster is so innocent like newly born
baby and he has no knowledge or doesn’t know anything about this world so after
watching this movie this picture of 'Monster' is more clear in my mind from the
perspective of this novel. So after this experience I can say that this movies
or audio visual things also ca helps us for understanding of text but the only
equation is that how much this movies are authentic to real works or text
otherwise it’s creates hurdles or problems to understand the real works or real
Now I want to say that I
enjoyed a lot this movie ‘Hamlet’ by Kenneth Branagh and I want to say that this movie is authentic version of the play ‘Hamlet’ by William Shakespeare.
Here I try to pick
out some points from this movie and those points are like this I given below :-
First of all I want to say that
this movie is very authentic one to the real play of ‘Hamlet’ by William
Shakespeare because in this movie director of this movie Kenneth Branagh follows all the scene and sequence of the real
play and cause and effects does his work as like a chain of plot. As in the
real play sequence is followed same as the movie sequence is followed by
director and I want to like give you example that
Ex:- In the play by William Shakespeare play begins with the apparition of
Ghost and in the movie also start with
the apparition of the Ghost. So, we can say that this movie is authentic
version of the real play of William Shakespeare.
But I also want to say that in this movie Kenneth Branagh changes the setting of the movie because in
movie there is no setting of 11th centuries setting and clothes of
character is also differs then real play.
Yes, when I watched this movie my
thoughts about the female character of this play who is Ophelia is changed in
some of the ideas that before this movie I don’t understand this character as I
understand her character after watching this movie because I realise that
Ophelia is a victimized character of this play.
Yes, I feel ‘aesthetic delight’ when I watched this movie in the
very beginning part of the movie I feel delight when Ghost is appear and at the
end of this movie I feel aesthetic delight because of end of the tragedy and
poetic justice by the writer at the end.
Yes, I feel ‘catharsis’ in this movie
at the beginning of the play when Price Hamlet speaks his first soliloquy and
whenever he bourns out his anger, second time when he angry on Ophelia and last
when this play is end and no one is alive everyone is dead at that time I feel catharsis.
Yes, screening of movie is helps
me a lot in better understanding of the play as I said above that that
our pictures or imagination gets pure outcome or perfection in movie or audio
visual thing and our idea or situation is more understandable or more clear
than earlier they are. After this movie screening I realise one thing that movie or any audio
visual thing also can effect same as textual work but only thing is that how
this movie is related with real text or how movie is as powerful as real text
or how much this movie is authentic to this text.
There are so many scenes or moment in the
movie that I will cherish lifetime. Example like Nunnery scene, first soliloquy
of prince Hamlet, bed chamber scene of price Hamlet and his mother when Hamlet
treats his mother very rudely and with cruelty, grave digging scene of Ophelia,
and last scene when prince Hamlet is died. I want to cherish this all the
scenes life time.
If I got chance to direct this
movie ‘Hamlet’ I would like to change character of Ophelia and I don’t
characterised her character as victim of male domestic society, I portrait her
character as strong as Hamlet’s character and I remove some of the boring parts
of this movie who is not important in this movie as per my aspect.
In the beginning of the movie,
camera rolls over the statue of King Hamlet outside the Elsinore castle. The
movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the King Hamlet is
hammered down to the dust. It is the symbol of circle of life that anything is
starting with thing that thing also end with same thing this is call circle of
life or nature. In this movie also movie start with the statue of king Hamlet
and also end with that between this time movie work throughout the story and
story starts and ends with same kind. We also have to do is joining the dots
between this circle or starting or ending.
While studying the play through movie, I think
that from my aspect psychological approach is more appropriate than any other
because I think that this play is all about “Madness
of Prince Hamlet” and about the question of
killing his self or committing suicide that famous quote that “To be or not to be, that is the question” so from my aspect this
psychological approach is more appropriate than any other approaches.
I think that there is this approach
Textual Analysis is more appropriate than any
other approaches in this Pre-viewing
task because this is all about understanding of text so I
think that in this Pre-viewing
task this approach Textual Analysis is more appropriate or
appeals more than any other approaches.
you sir for this beautiful Movie Screening of ‘Hamlet’ movie by Kenneth Branagh, Based on William
Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’. We enjoyed a
lot and got new experience of teaching –
learning process with the help of audio visual things.
You ....
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